Library » Welcome to our Library

Welcome to our Library

Welcome to the Library. 

Hello and welcome to our library page.  
Library Hours and Services
  • The library is open during  lunch and after school for fifteen minutes.
  • Students can print, study, research and check-out books (Max 3 books) 
  • Printing can only be done during  lunch or after school. There is no charge for printing. 
  • Students are encouraged to bring their student ID’s to check-out materials but are not required. 
Scheduling Class Visits:
If you would like to schedule a class visit, please fill out this form. Please  allow for 1-2 work days to receive an email confirmation.

Student Success Card from the Los Angeles Public Library
Our students can now find their LAPL Student Success Card Login Information under their profile through Schoology.  They can now login to their account and access all the resources found on These include the LAPL Databases, tutoring services,  and check-out books. If a student has trouble with their account or does not have a card number or pin.  They must fill out a retrieval form:  Retrieval Form LAPL. If students do not have an SSC and PIN number, a PENDING status message will appear. A PENDING status message indicates that you are in the process of getting these numbers. (This can take up to 2 weeks) 
LAUSD Digital Databases
The LAUSD Digital Databases have undergone some changes for this school year. The following subscriptions were not renewed this 2023-24 school year.
ABC-CLIO • American National Biography • Cavendish Square Digital • Columbia Gazetteer • Columbia Granger’s World of Poetry • Infobase • EBSCO • Gale • WorldBook • Oxford Art/Oxford Music Online • Salem Press
This transition includes the use of databases offered by the Los Angeles Public Library as well as California’s K-12 Online Content Project. The following pathway has been created to support in this transition.
If you have any questions or need support please feel free to email me at [email protected].
Thank You, 
Ms. Flores