LAUSD Policies and Bulletins » LAUSD Policies and Bulletins

LAUSD Policies and Bulletins

Important LAUSD Policies and Bulletins

See below for a copy of all policies and bulletins. It is expected that you familiarize yourself with all State, District and School policies.

Abolition of Corporal Punishment

Automated External Defibrillator Certification (AEDs)

Bullying and Hazing Policy

Child Abuse Reporting

Crisis Response, Suicide Intervention, Threat Assessment

Bulletin - Crisis Preparedness, Intervention and Recovery

Discipline Foundation Policy

Employee Attendance
English Learner Programs Instructional Online Accountabilities (1st Semester)
Nondiscrimination Information and Sexual Harassment Policy
Memorandum - Nondiscrimination Required Notices and Ordering of Student Brochures
Memorandum - Parent Student Handbook Distribution
Bulletin - Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
Bulletin - Sexual Harassment Policy (Student-to Student, Adult-to-Student, and Student-to-Adult)
Bulletin - Title IX Policy/Complaint Procedures

OSHA 300A Annual Certification

Reference Guide - Cal/OSHA Log of Injuries and Illnesses

PHBAO Conference First Semester

MEM-5127.9, May, 2019

Special Education and Section 504

Reference Guide - Oral Interpretation at an Individualized Education Program (IEP) Team Meeting
Reference Guide - Submitting Requests for Written Translation of Individualized Education Program (IEP) and Related Documents

Student Support and Progress Team

Bulletin - A Multi-Tiered System of Support Framework for the Student Support and Progress Team

Uniform Complaint Procedures (UCP)

Williams Complaints

Employee Safety Seal Program

English Learner Programs Instructional Online Accountabilities (2nd Semester)


PHBAO Conference Second Semester

MEM-5127.9, May, 2019