Schoolwide Learner Outcomes » Schoolwide Learner Outcomes

Schoolwide Learner Outcomes

Titans are…
Critical & Creative Thinkers Who Can:
  • Analyze and synthesize information to form connections
  • Integrate & evaluate content to foster complex thinking
  • Innovate, invent, achieve
Effective Communicators Who Can:
  • Be skillful readers and listeners who glean a deeper understanding of complex concepts
  • Be authentic writers and speakers who craft coherent arguments for specific purposes and audiences 
College & Career Ready:
  • Conversant in proper research skills
  • Enter and succeed in postsecondary opportunities
  • Utilize their experiences, skills, and relationships to realize their academic, career, and personal goals
Community Leaders Who Are:
  • Ethical, informed, and empathic agents
  • Proactive at improving their own lives, the lives of others, and the world at large 
Resilient Problem Solvers Who:
  • See questions and challenges as learning opportunities
  • Remain curious and collaborative in finding real-world solutions