Small Learning Communities » BAM! Academy (Business.Artivism.Management

BAM! Academy (Business.Artivism.Management

This Small Learning Community, or Academy, provides students with a firm academic and technical foundation and an understanding of small business systems, social enterprise, , and management of the Arts.
What BAM! Offers
    BAM is a California Partnership Academy and grant recipient whose vision is to ensure young leaders are equipped with the skill set to become entrepreneurs across industries of choice, are prepared for college, and are able to create and collaborate in responsible, sustainable ways that are mutually beneficial for our communities. 
    As students endeavor to create products that service a need among peers, our academy will focus on the dimensions of sustainability in all arts enterprises and businesses; people, prosperity, peace, partnership, and the planet. We believe this can be achieved "BY ANY MEDIUM NECESSARY (BAMN)!"
BAM! Partnerships
    BAM will continue to partner with many organizations, companies, and community leaders to bring students current information, work-based learning opportunities, and more. Some of these partners include:
    Arroyo Arts Collective 
    Center Theatre Group
    Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights
    LA Commons
BAM! Team
Cruz, Blanca: Principal
Hernandez, Lisa: Assistant Principal
Lexius, Karina: BAM! Counselor
Bautista, Robert: Physical Education
Bermudez, Tanya: Mathematics
Cordovi Tamayo, Alianuska: Spanish
Cardona, Guadalupe: Lead Teacher/Ethnic Studies
Carmona, Xochilt: English
Cline, Jennifer: English
Crespo, Julio: Social Science
Espinoza, Javier: Special Education
Greenidge, Markus: Special Education
Hueyopa, Enrique: Science
Lomeli, Daisy: Mathematics
Ruiz, Jessica: Special Education
Vaca, Gabriela: Mathematics
Viveros, Ruvi: English
Zamora, Cesar Alejandro: Theater/Electives